What is Retail Price, Internet Price & Car Story
In browsing our used inventory you might notice that many of our vehicles have both a Retail Price and an Internet Price. We provide those two figures for a very specific reason. Whether you purchase your next vehicle from us or not. We know your time is valuable and we want to do everything possible to help make your purchase decision easier and more convenient. Our Retail Price is the Kelly Blue Book Fair Purchase Price. That is the price Kelly Blue Book says other buyers have recently paid for that same vehicle. Our Internet Price is the price we are willing to sell that vehicle for. There are a lot of vehicle valuation tools out there that provide a wide range of values for the same vehicle. Some of them we felt provide inflated vehicle valuations. Which would have made the green Savings box below our Internet Price look good, but it wouldn’t provide our customers with information of any real value. We chose to provide customers with the Kelly Blue Book Price because it is a widely used and respected price tool that many of our customers are already familiar with. That is one of the two valuation tools available at Zink Motor Co.

What is CarStory
Within each vehicle detail page, positioned below vehicle photos on ZinkMotor.com is CarStory. CarStory is a unique tool that provides customers with vehicle overview, price analysis, vehicle features, safety ratings, mileage and fuel economy. The best part of this tool is it’s independent. We have no control over information and stats Carstory provides and we wouldn’t have it any other way. CarStory is just one more way we are able to bring vehicle information to our customers.